
About SBM Worldwide

For over 24 years (since January 2000), SBM Worldwide, Inc. (SBM) has been helping individuals, parents, families, and churches to understand the truth about homosexuality and transgenderism from a biblical, practical, and loving perspective.

The Ministry provides support and resources for men and women who are struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) which conflicts with their Christian faith, as well as one-on-one and group support, biblical resources, encouragement, along with hope and help for parents, family members, and friends with loved ones who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning (LGBTQ).

SBM was founded in 2000 by Stephen and Irene Bennett, husband, and wife, with SBM’s National Ministry Offices located in the heart of beautiful New England in Shelton, Connecticut. Stephen and Irene have two beautiful adult children and have been married for over 30 years. Stephen and Irene are founding and active members of Haven of Rest Baptist Church in West Haven, Connecticut, a fundamental, independent KJV church established over 25 years ago – Pastor Wayne Goodall. The Bennetts truly have a gift, a passion, and a calling to minister to homosexual and transgender men and women who desire change, as well as minister to their parents, spouses, families, and loved ones. We are here to encourage individuals with the assurance that through Jesus Christ, complete change is completely possible!

For more information on the ministries of SBM Worldwide or The Parents Group, or to invite Stephen to preach and share his testimony and rock-solid biblical message at your church, or to speak with someone confidentially about a loved one who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, please call SBM Nationwide Toll-Free now at 1-800-832-3623, Monday-Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST (the Ministry offices are closed Fridays, weekends, and all holidays.) SBM will also gladly take your prayer requests over the phone and will commit to pray for you and yours on a daily basis.

Please take some time to browse our website, as it is jam-packed with important information and helpful resources. Be sure to check out What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? by clicking the link, Homosexuality & The Bible on the menu bar at the top of the page. Visit SBM Worldwide Online often, as new resources and updated content are uploaded frequently.

SBM Worldwide is an evangelistic and educational organization which relies completely on the financial and prayerful support from faithful ministry partners and friends like you. At this time, financial gifts to the ministry are not tax-deductible. The ministry expects gifts to be tax-deductible by the end of 2024. To become an Annual Member, a Monthly Sustaining Support Partner, or to make a generous one-time love gift to the ongoing work of SBM Worldwide and The Parents Group, please click on the Donation Portal in the right column of this homepage. This vitally important ministry can continue only through the generous support of friends like you. Your gifts to the ministry are greatly needed and much appreciated! Gifts can be made in honor of, or in memory of a child, spouse, family member, friend, or loved one. Won’t you let SBM know how much this ministry means to you through a generous love gift today? Your gifts make it possible for us to reach millions of individuals worldwide with God’s loving and encouraging Word. Thank you for visiting with us today, and may the Lord richly bless you!

Stephen Bennett

Stephen, now 60 years old, struggled with same-sex attraction (SSA) throughout much of his childhood, teenage and young adult years, living an openly gay lifestyle for more than 11 years until he was 28 years old. In 1990, Stephen, happy with his homosexual lifestyle and identity, and in a committed “gay” relationship for several years, was lovingly and biblically engaged about his lifestyle and evangelized with the gospel of Jesus Christ by a Christian friend. Two years later, much to the shock of everyone who knew him — especially his family and friends — Stephen was born again and completely surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. It was at this time that Stephen made the decision – the choice – to walk away from his homosexual lifestyle, never to return. His journey of “coming out” of homosexuality then began — dealing with many painful and emotional issues he had buried — including being molested at the age of 11. Stephen would never be the same again.

Stephen left his male partner and began his new walk with Christ in January 1992. He began dating Irene in October of that year, then the two were married the following year, in June of 1993. Today, over 30 years later, Stephen no longer struggles with homosexuality. He shares his story of freedom and complete change at churches, conferences, events, and in the media worldwide. His encouraging and life-changing message is that individuals who desire change can with 100% assurance know that change is completely possible!

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SBM Recent Posts

Irene Bennett’s first book

“Until Your Prodigal Comes Home — Encouragement Along the Way,”

It is published by WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson/Zondervan. We are so excited to share this wonderful, compassionate book with those of you who pray daily for your loved one who has strayed from Christ.

Meet Irene Bennett:

Co-Founder & President of www.TheParentsGroup.com

Are you a parent, spouse, or family member with a loved one who is struggling with homosexuality or transgender issues, or who has announced that he or she is “gay”?

Irene Bennett, Co-Founder, and President of SBM Worldwide’s www.TheParentsGroup.com ministry is here to speak with you, pray with you, and minister to you. Please contact Irene by calling SBM Worldwide, Nationwide Toll-Free at 1-800-832-3623, or click the “Contact SBM” link above for additional contact options.

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