In her first book, Until Your Prodigal Comes Home: Encouragement Along the Way, Irene Bennett, co-founder with her husband, Stephen, of TheParentsGroup.com, shares biblical truth and the wisdom and insight she has gained through more than fifteen years of compassionate ministry to brokenhearted parents of a child who identifies as homosexual or struggles with same-sex attraction. If that is your child's experience and you want to know, How should I respond...what can I do? this book offers answers. Irene provides a foundation of Scriptural truth, along with real stories, encouragement from other parents, and practical guidance to help you navigate the challenges you may face while waiting for God to rescue your son or daughter from homosexuality. Her message is that you can respond to your child in a way that is loving and biblical, you can walk in peace and hope, and you can look to the Lord with the assurance that complete change is completely possible for your loved one--because with God, all things are possible!
SBM Worldwide's flagship series on overcoming homosexuality for individuals struggling with same-sex attraction. Also an EXCELLENT series for parents, pastors, spouses, family members and friends who have a loved one who is conflicted with their Christianity and sexuality. Since 2000, SBM has used this series to minister to thousands of people worldwide - and numerous individuals have been set free from their unwanted same-sex attractions due to this book! FOR IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD.
“HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE” is a comprehensive Bible Handbook about homosexual behavior which consists of a powerful Bible-affirming Introduction, an exhaustive Scriptural Section, a contemporary Topical Section and an extensive Index. “HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE” is a comprehensive Bible Handbook about homosexual behavior which consists of a powerful Bible-affirming Introduction, an exhaustive Scriptural Section, a contemporary Topical Section and an extensive Index.
SBM Worldwide's flagship series on overcoming homosexuality for individuals struggling with same-sex attraction. Also an EXCELLENT series for parents, pastors, spouses, family members and friends who have a loved one who is conflicted with their Christianity and sexuality. Since 2000, SBM has used this series to minister to thousands of people worldwide - and numerous individuals have been set free from their unwanted same-sex attractions due to this book! Price includes shipping.